Inbox / Outbox Tab (with Advanced Mailbox Features)

The Inbox/Outbox tab provides the user with the ability to retrieve files that have been queued in the Mailbox for their party name and upload new files to be sent to other parties.  This screen is available with Standard Features, or with Advanced Features enabled.  This help-topic will cover the Inbox/Outbox tab with Advanced Features.

Retrieve Files

From the Inbox tab at the top of the screen, you can see the files that are ready to be retrieved.  

Filtering the Inbox:

To display the Inbox files, perform the following steps:

  1. Click the Parties tab and select your party name (My Party) and the Trading party you wish to include in the report (My Trading Partner). To include all parties, select No choice.  
    : The parties available will depend upon the permissions defined for the User ID used to log in to the Transaction Mailbox. (Contact the BizManager System Administrator for information regarding your user permissions. )

  2. Click the Inbox/Outbox tab. Enter the date and time parameters to indicate the files to include. Leave these fields blank to include all files.


  1. To search for a specific filename, enter the name in the filename field. Wildcard characters "*" and "?" can be used for filename pattern searches.

  2. Click one of the following buttons:

Navigating the Inbox File List:   

Once the Inbox records are retrieved, they are displayed in a table format, with the following columns:

By default, the Inbox will display ten (10) records.  If the number of records available exceeds , use the paging links at the top and bottom of the table (first page, previous page, next page)to review the desired records.

Downloading the Inbox file:


  1. After clicking either Download or Get, a file download screen will display. Click Save. Navigate to a local directory to save the file.

  2. Before you can download another file, you MUST acknowledge receipt of the downloaded file. You have the option of sending a positive acknowledgement or a negative acknowledgement.

Under File Received, do one of the following:

An acknowledgement message will be uploaded to BizManager.

Upload New Files

From the Upload tab at the bottom of the screen, locate the Originator and Recipient values that will be used to process the files that will be uploaded.  

Note: If these values need to be changed, click the Parties tab.

To upload new files:

  1. File: Enter the full path and filename of the file to be uploaded. You may also Click Browse to navigate to the desired file.

  2. Another File: To upload multiple files, click the button labeled Another File.  A new file name field will display. Enter the full path and filename of the file to be uploaded. You may also Click Browse to navigate to the desired file.

  3. Repeat step two (2) until all files to be uploaded are displayed.

  4. Allow duplicate file: Select this checkbox if the file being uploaded is a duplicate of a previous file.

  5. Text to insert in mailbox email notice: If the Outbox settings allow custom email text, this field will be available. The text entered in this field may be inserted in either the notification email sent to the receiving party, or in the timeout warning email sent to the receiving party (contact the BizManager System Administrator for information regarding Outbox configuration).  

  6. Click Upload: A message will display at the top of the screen indicating the success or failure of the upload process.

 BizManager will receive and process the uploaded file(s) and pass them to the recipient party. If applicable, an email notification will be sent to the defined contact for the recipient party.  (Email notification policy parameters are configured within BizManager. Contact your BizManager system administrator for more information.)  



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