The Transaction mailbox improves communication by enabling remote parties, offices and trading partners to upload/download files using only an Internet browser. The Transaction Mailbox system provides the following features:
Mailbox user web interface.
Ability to download files that have been queued to the mailbox.
Ability to upload a file directly to the BizManager server from the Mailbox User screens.
Acknowledgement receipts (linked to time-out reporting in the BizManager configuration).
Email Notifications sent when files are queued to the Mailbox for pickup.
Availability of both Inbox and Outbox history.
If advanced Mailboxing Features are enabled, the following options are also available:
Warning/alert email notification (linked to time-out reporting in the BizManager configuration).
Sortable Inboxes (by date, sending or receiving party, or filename).
Filtered Inbox and History lists (by date, sending or receiving party, or filename).
Ability to upload multiple files at one time.
Ability to add a customized note to the notification and warning email.
NOTE: If using BizLink, the Inbound Listeners Service must be running.
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